Quantum-Dot Vertical Microcavities to Generate Single Photons and Entangled Photon Pairs

Photonic quantum computers with photons as qubits promise to realize scaling quantum computers with its long coherent time. Large-scale quantum computers including photonics require quantum interconnects to transmit quantum states. Single photons and entangled photon pairs are essential, and we develop quantum-dot vertical microcavities to generate such photons. We aim to demonstrate electrically-driven on-demand sources of telecom-wavelength, indistinguishable single photons, which has never been realized.

Photonic Nanodevices for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers

Trapped ions are a promising platform for implementing quantum computers because of their exceptional quantum properties. One of the most active recent research trends is the amalgamation of optical functionalities into compact chip-based configurations to facilitate the scalability of these systems. Beyond merely shining light onto individual ions for manipulation, the ability to finely tailor optical attributes, such as polarization states, assumes paramount importance for enabling universal quantum operations. The on-chip integration of such optical functionalities, particularly within the near-ultraviolet to visible wavelength range corresponding to the typical transition wavelengths of ions,
poses a significant challenge. Our objective is to embody on-chip ion trap devices capable
of executing sophisticated quantum computations by harnessing state-of-the-art
optical technologies/physics such as topological photonics.


Photonic Active Cavities for Photonic Reservoir Computing

With increasing amount of dynamic data captured by IoTs and sensors, reservoir computing promises to predict highly-expected values or risks. Non-CMOS physical systems are exploited as reservoir hardware and realize energy-efficient, high-speed dynamic pattern recognition with small amount of data. We develop photonic-active cavities to realize scalable, general-purpose hardware of reservoir computing for dynamic AI, which has never been realized.